Blog of Grand
Blogging the Grandness, all year round.
Monday 3 October 2011
One picture of my life

I am so overwhelmed with sensory overload right now.

Sunday 2 October 2011
I demand to see at least one picture of your life as you now know it! ooh look, I have just seen how to make the clock right on here! um just in from work, having a white choc & raspberry cookie for breakfast! ;oP
Thursday 29 September 2011
Well I really do think, seeing as your departure to the other side of the world is imminent, that this blog should be restarted!! I may have to remind dad how to post though! Would be nice just to keep in touch with pics too, going to miss you soooooo much! x
Tuesday 5 October 2010
It was quite funny really, the whole QUESTION! and TWO FINGERS! thing was actually shouted around quite a lot last year.

Funny, but not really anything to do with Warwick...
haha tht was so andy & jim! admiral! bombardier! shame they didnt go on campus though. the uni prob wanted stacks of cash from them for allowing it....
Monday 27 September 2010

Sunday 26 September 2010
haven't been here for a while!
i wonder how long it will take before anyone else notices this?
love you guys
Tuesday 25 May 2010
Roxy loves her prize!!

At the dog show in Margate Roxy won a bag of dog food. she found it yesterday in the cupboard, got in the cupboard with it and guarded it. would not come out of the cupboard and went nuts if murphy came anywhere near her beloved prize!!! was so funny!!! NOMINEE NOMINEE!!
Saturday 22 May 2010

Blisterin' heat today, went back to see the goslins, look at the little one with his legs all stretched out! We walked up the bank of the river, there's like 6 or 7 families of geese there. and some baby ducks too!
Friday 21 May 2010

anyone got anything to eat?
Tuesday 18 May 2010

Well a day trip to Margate resulted in a nice purple 5th place rosette for the Murphster (his head was too big, he had a bald spot on his head and his jaw is undershot apparently) and a shock 2nd place for Rocco!! (Head not muscley enough for 1st, but very Very nice) note the two verys, roxy keeps reminding us there were two verys. on the down side, i know the camera adds 10lbs but christ how ft we look in them pictures. we is on a diet!!!!!!!
Thursday 6 May 2010
murphy also sensitive soul
wanting cuddle
all the time
rocker she don't like be touched
ever vigilant
never sleepun
buster like grizzlers and like to grizzle
always interested in the grizzlin
congle congle congle
thats all he ever say
Wednesday 5 May 2010
My Poem.
There are three little dogs in the family.  
They say dogs are my favorite Buster.  
I have had since the age of eight.  
If you cry, knows that Mr. Buster!  
Mr. Buster will hear the cry, come see why.  
Sometimes even a dog, I think in my head.

I know I worry about the dog.

By Holly, Age 20
Saturday 1 May 2010

miss you!!
hope you had a good day with nanny & grandad!!
we been in the sunshine, though dad had a lickle accident.....
Saturday 20 March 2010
10 more weeks at university
1 victory at Snooker
2 all nighters
2 hours of exams
11 delicious beef carveries, traditionally eaten in the hours' gap between Japanese lessons
3 packs of glucose and Pro-Plus
18 litres of diet coke
£2.10 in library fines
9 separate instances of vomiting (that I can recollect)
4X 2,000 word essays later. 

AND I CAN RETURN HOME a shell of my former self.
Thursday 18 March 2010
giggi's vegetable patch

will look better when the beans and honeysuckles and raspberries are growing up it!

Is very funny watching Roxy try to get through the trellis. she methodically goes along the bottom row, trying to squeeze her shoulders through each square in turn.

stupid dog!
coming out as a cat

he sleeps in a linen basket on the table.
he loves nothing more than being on your lap, being stroked.
he loves cream.
if he could purr, he would.
he is not a dog.
this we know.
Wednesday 17 March 2010
another term down
Only a few days left until I come home! I have my last lesson tomorrow; Japanese. I'll get my exam results back and then I'm free! I miss home a lot. I would have liked to come back on friday or even thursday night, but my friends have bought concert tickets for sunday night so I'll be coming home on Monday morning I suppose. It's a shame I won't see you very much before I leave again. i miss you so much.
Sunday 7 March 2010
YAY!! phase one of the vegetable garden has begun!!!
phase one = dog proofing the area designated to become the vegetable patch. trellises are in place. gate is being made. courgettes, peppers, aubergines, sweet peas, runner beans, tomatoes are ordered. EXCITING TIMES AHEAD!!
Monday 8 February 2010
How dare you. I posted last. It was one of your guys' turns!
Sunday 7 February 2010
no one can be bothered
Monday 25 January 2010
A day in the life :)
This is my weekend.

Saturday afternoon, Me, Jim and Andy woke up early (i.e. at noon) and wandered down the Canley station to take the train to Birmingham for the day! We went to the Bullring. This is my amazing lunch. A Cheese and Ham toasted panini, lovely salad with balsamicness (which I nommed down! and I never eat salads!) and a nice glass of ice cold cola cola. Only £6.50 for the whole thing I think! Utterly gorgeous. I could totally eat that again right now. Then we decided to do some actual shopping. I antagonised for quite some time over what to get, but in the end I got some trousers from H&M, and some nice trainers from Topshop (which are admittedly a bit too small for me, but oh well! Only £16) Then I got two really nice dresses from Cult. :D Which I don't have photos of yet but I will get some! I promise!

So all in all, the shopping was very successful. Came back to Warwick and rolled around on the floor for a while. Had some pasta, started drinking (for the first time since my birthday, haha!) Saw Pendulum, glitch Mob and Plan B :) it was good. There was a filming crew in the club (promoting student events) and asked me to say a few words... I have no idea what I said. I was pretty hyped up by that point... how embarassing!

The next day I didn't get out of bed til 2pm, we ordered dominoes pizza! I attach some photos!

 Fashion, and smuggling painkillers into icecream because SOME PEOPLE can't swallow tablets! and Nigel. Our adopted cat with three legs. I love my camera.

Sunday 24 January 2010
fun with webcams

we love you Holly but you better come home now. Murphy's comfort eating coz he's missing you and now weighs 10 stone. Roxy is frantically reading everything she can find to attempt to gain enough knowledge to get into Warwick University causing her brain to swell to unimaginable proportions. The same goes for Buster. I can't do a thing with my hair. Poppys's joined an alien cult and dad has begun to work out frantically causing a brain-muscle imbalance. Come home now!!!! lol
Tuesday 19 January 2010
Ben Bernanke
Cooking with Holly. The student method, for when you have no food left!

1. Boil some Udon noodles in the pan of boiling water, worry about how plain noodles will taste, so I boil them in Instant Gravy. For flavour! I can only assume it is the same as those flavour sachets you get with instant noodles, right?

2. Meanwhile, dice generous helpings of garlic (3 cloves! I like garlic!) and fry them with mixed italian herbs, when the oil is sufficiently garlicy, add many mushy mushrooms.

3. Take a moment to appreciate how delicious garlic fried mushrooms smell.

4. When the gravy noodles are soggy enough, throw them into the frying pan, smushing everything together. Leave a little gravy water with the noodles to go in the pan, because it'll just reduce later. Fry until fried!

5. Worry about how it looks, so add about 1cm of tinned tomatoes and leave it alone while you run back to your room for a plate, still unwashed from the binge fest of oven chips last night. Utterly ruin it with a ridiculous portion of salt, add more instant gravy as a cheap replacement for a stock cube.

6. Bon apetit! No seriously. It's delicious.
the little things

today my dad came round and put a door that he had made for me on my doorless cupboard in my kitchen. it looks so nice and makes the whole room look so much better! its the little things like this that are important in life. it didn't cost much but it took up quite a bit of his time, making it then hanging it, and its this time that is what means so much. i think i stopped appreciating the little things in life, like taking the time to text someone and ask how they are, making a cake for someone, putting some air in someones tyres for them, things that don't cost anything at all really. the little things today, apart from the door, are.... Murphy just asking for a cuddle and wanting human company..he has followed me around all morning, dogtired, and collapsing on my feet whenever i stood still, just wanting to be with sweet. Buster, being so pleased to see my dad today...he was acting like a puppy running around, he even chased Roxys ball up and down in the living room!! The Robin in the garden who has taken a shine to the bird table which Paddy keeps repleneshing with the leftover christmas nuts, The fact that sainsburys buttersoft which is their version of lurpak but half the price tastes nicer than lurpak and the fact that despite all our woes, my family are all ok. we all might be going through some s**t now, but i'm looking forward to a summers day this year, when we are all sitting in the garden, joking around, eating some BBQ and just chilling out together. You really do have to have the bad to appreciate the good. x


Monday 18 January 2010
Well I'm sorry
I have just recovered from a 2 day hangover you know!

I got an email from my seminar tutor telling me to move to a group that was "more suited to my capabilities, the pupils there prepare before the seminar and are more talkative!"
and then the blog of grand just became the blog of Aggie Grand. hey thats ok. I'm used to feeling alone.
Friday 15 January 2010
hehe. just trying out the photo upload!! this is gonna be great!
something is wrong with the time on this blog. I don't know what to do or how to change it. but I am sitting here waiting for dad to come back from sainsburys with some ratatouille ingredients and thinking about my nightshift tonight, it is 5 p.m exactly. Poppy is watching friends. Buster and roxy are curled up on the settee together. look what time it reckons i posted this look. weird.
birthdays at a distance
there will be a nice old meal and a nice birthday cake. now i don't quite know when. but there will be one. and it will be awesome! love you Hols, you're having fun. x


Drizzel, dogs that grizzel and birthday Bizzel
Well its 20 years on since i first met 'our holly' my lovely little curlie haired mop top!...wish she was here today so we could share a beer!....Happy Birthday mate ;)

Been off work most of this week so have spent most of it being busy avoiding doing my books(deadline 31st Jan!!!!!!!!!!) whilst trying my best to look my busiest!...mainly out with 'the crew' over the fields trudging through slush and mud anything better than accounts (if iwas to get em in on time it would only make the taxman suspicious!)...dragged mum over the fields with Buster today,we came to the conclusion that no matter what or how much we do for Buster its never enough! and always ends in i know mum will read this i would just like to say the book work is coming on well!...i have sorted misc and also march to ouberly bouberly.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!.......................................X
Thursday 14 January 2010
It is my birthday of loveliness.
Its the 15th of January. That makes me 20 years old I believe. Half of fourty and a quarter dead.

It's also me first ever time celebrating my birthday away from home, which is scary! Checked the mailbox this morning and had cards from family, got a lovely black t shirt as well from auntie and uncle which I'm currently wearing!

Today was great, secured a really lovely 5-bedroom house for next year's off-campus accommodation with my mates. Generally really happy, watched a film in my room with some friends, had 4 hour Japanese language lab, where we learnt how to say "before the party I was drinking a lot" (paati ni iku mae ni takusan nonde imashita) which is coincedentally what I will be doing loads to celebrate the passing of my adolescence... still got spots though, fuck you genes!

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headaches and sci fi movies
today i went to see the avatar, in 3d, because everyone told me how good it was and how i should go and see it. so i did. i remember seeing the trailer for it a the beginning of another film, and thinking "that looks shit" but anyway I went. Now I have a headache and i feel sick. this is because of a 3 hour 3d film i think. which wasn't very good either. pocahontas with some fancy effects. I have now decided that sci fi is shit. you can shove your fantasy creatures discworld lord of the rings crud up your arse! From now on I will only watch films that could be true, ones with real people and real creatures. No more unicorns and unobtanium. I will now delete Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone from my favourite movies.

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Wednesday 13 January 2010
In the beginning there was the word
So basically. I had a blog that I updated every now and then to whinge. But after I received my lovely Camera I realised that I could do more than whinge and use the blog to actually you know, update the world about my general life and such. With pretty pictures. Then I had a further awesome idea that I should have a blog where mum can post too, so we can keep each other updated with our lives, and most interestingly watch our two lives unfold independently of each other and so on and so forth. I really need to go to bloody bed. I'll finish this tomorrow!